With the usage of PORTx for writing to an output you may easily run into read-modify-write-problems. For example, this part of code will only set PORTA,3 (PORTA was clear before), if you have some capacitive load on your pins (for example, 1 uF):
BSF PORTA,0 BSF PORTA,1 ;This instruction read the present state of PORTA, and because of the capacitor on PORTA,0 the input-level on ;PORTA,0 is still low, so only '00000010' will be written back to the port BSF PORTA,2 ;This instruction read the present state of PORTA, and because of the capacitor on PORTA,1 the input-level on ;PORTA,1 is still low, so only '00000100' will be written back to the port BSF PORTA,3 ;This instruction read the present state of PORTA, and because of the capacitor on PORTA,2 the input-level on ;PORTA,2 is still low, so only '00001000' will be written back to the port
Using the LATx-register you can avoid this:
Here all four pins on Port A (0-3) are set.